Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Where is our Barefoot Contessa, Nigella or Donna?

Every morning without fail I get up at 5am to start my day. My little rituals in the mornings start with grabbing a cup of coffee and watching an episode of Barefoot Contessa. I love her relaxed way of cooking and entertaining, her cheerful demeanour is a delight to wake up to every morning. But alas sometimes Food Network does show episodes I have watched, which is why I am delighted that BBC lifestyle will be showing Nigella Lawson's new show Nigella Kitchen, I am ever so excited!
Another doyenne of the food world I absolutely adore is Donna Hay, I buy every issue of her magazine at my local C.N.A, with import costs it's super expensive but so worth it! She is the master of food styling and fresh flavours.

All three of these women are such inspiration to inspiring cooks coming up the ranks, so my biggest question is why oh why don't we have some culinary superstar with global success coming from our shores?
It's slowly starting to happen with great shows by Justin Bonello and the delightful ladies on Charly's Cake Angels but I need a show that is in the same vein as Barefoot Contessa etc.

I believe the passion here in South Africa for good food is as strong as any other country, our produce is great (well most of the time anyway, unless it's exported overseas) If we did have people that had the same prestige as these women, there would be a culinary revolution. People would no more tolerate crappy food or even worse service  just because it's the restaurant they always go to, tastebuds would come to forefrunt, more people would cook, the sun would shine, there would be smiles all around and even world peace! ( Okay perhaps I'm pushing it with world peace, but hey it could happen right?)

So I implore all the television stations to invest in finding charismatic passionate foodies to cook for South Africa! But please oh please do not put a generic South African celebrity in front of the screens that has a mild interest in food, we need someone fresh and actually knowledgeable about food.

Perhaps in the near future I will be waking up to watch an episode of our very own domestic goddess? That's the kind of world I want to live in.

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