Tuesday, 3 January 2012

2012- Another year,another meal

First and foremost I do apologise that there has been a distinct absence of delicious dalliance blogs over the past few weeks but my excuse is rather valid. You see during the first week of December during my annual sabbatical to Plett, my telephone wire was cut by my over zealous gardening neighbours or a technophobic hippy ( I still have no idea who did it but my gateway to internet utopia was obliterated).
After numerous attempts to get Telkom to come fix it over the festive period, the wire is still severed and I am praying that a technician hears my prayer and fixes it in the next few days. So for now i am attempting to blog on one of those "tablet" things with those touch screen keyboards.

My festive December was full of foodie experiences. From constantly eating at restaurants in Plett (Which I will write up about soon) and cooking up a storm for family and friends. The celebratory cooking doesn't cease in January as I have my brother and his girlfriend flying out from London and my Dad's birthday coming up. Which means great things for upcoming blogs on the delicious dalliance including post Christmas dinner party recipes, outdoor food fare and drinks party nibbles!
I hope 2012 will bring us all happiness, great friends and amazing foodie experiences!

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